2016 UURAF Award Recipients

over 100 MSU students were honored with first-place awards at the 18th annual University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF) in April

Faculty Mentor of the Year

Undergraduate students honor faculty with Mentor of the Year Awards

MSU Undergraduate Researchers Nominated for the National Goldwater Scholarship

4 undergraduate students studying in the science, technology, engineering and math fields have been nominated by MSU for the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship

Spring Workshop Series Announced

The Undergraduate Research Office sponsors several workshops each semester both for students interested in learning more about undergraduate research and

Registration for UURAF Opens on Monday, January 18th

MSU undergraduate students engaged in research are encouraged to register for the spring forum. The deadline to register is Friday, February 19th at 11:59 PM.

Undergraduate Research Ambassador named finalist for Rhodes Scholarship

Irene Li, an Honors College senior majoring in genetics and molecular genomics and interdisciplinary studies named one of two Michigan State University finalists for the Rhodes Scholarship.

Faculty Newsletter Fall 2015

This Issue: Summer Recap, CIC Summer Research Program, UR in the Neighborhoods, Ambassador Program

Faculty Newsletter Spring 2015

This Issue: UURAF Changes, Faculty Mentor Research, Mentoring Groups V. Individuals, Funding Opportunities

Faculty Newsletter Fall 2014

This Issue: UR Summer Events, Posters on the Hill, UR Ambassadors, Student Research Abroad, UR Poster Displays

Faculty Newsletter Spring 2014

This Issue: UURAF, Faculty Mentor Award, National & International Fellowships & Scholarships, Summer Research Opportunities

Faculty Newsletter Fall 2013

This Issue: UR Office Resource Guide, Summer Recap, UR Ambassadors, Venture Updates

Student poses with showcase poster

Faculty Newsletter Spring 2013

This Issue: UR Posters in the Neighborhoods, An Historical Look at UR at MSU, Summer Research Registry, Summer UR Forum Announcements, Gerstacker Funding